Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ponies Have Olympic Fever Too

Greetings from London everypony!  (Haha, I wish!)   Since there aren't any new episodes of MLP:FIM to watch over the summer, I've been keeping myself entertained with the 2012 Summer Olympics!  

Sometimes during commercials my mind will drift away from the intense Phelps/Lochte rivalry, or the emotional trials of the Fab Five as they pursue gold...and I find myself gravitating back to...yup, you've guessed it...ponies!

Ever wonder what the Pony Olympics (or how about an even better name, The Equestrian Games) might entail?  Well not to worry everypony, you are not alone!  Here are a few cool Olympic/Pony themed pics I've come across in the last week.  

Most of these were found on a Brony meme from the people who brought us Lolcats over at  Don't ask me what a meme is, I was just there for the pony pics!

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying watching the Olympics as much as I have been.  And if not, at least there are a bunch of great MLP blogs out there for everypony to look at instead.  :)

Keep calm and pony on.

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